16 de setembro de 2010

Routine .

Hi again .  Today I was bored. Finished a diagnostic test at some random subject and stayed staring the rest of the class . Something woke me up. The "stupid" little kids that were playing football like crazies and me.. stucked in a room .  But, why bothered? They are always there,  every gap, every lunch breaks, doing the old same stuff (BORING!!).I hate the first weeks of school. We have only two options: diagnostic exams (kill me please) or nothing at all (good enough).

Post written at the sond of "Wella" on Lameirão's blog ~~

1 comentário:

  1. detesto que escrevam em ingles os vossos posts!!!!! irrita-me e recuso-me literalmente a le-los!!! e ja agora a o bla di o bla da é música mais idiota dos beatles!!!!!!!! (peço desculpa a minha exaltaçao, mas apeteceume!)
